
Showing posts from June, 2020


BENNYT III       "I'm very much certain, my Lord", said Johnny, the squire not being so certain.      He had been to the Prince's chamber to see if he was doing well or he needed more wine. Bennyt had been informed about a  disappearance which had occurred in the Hall of History after the Queen took a walk in there with the Prince behind a closed door. Things happened behind the doors and inside the walls of Glass Palace and Bennyt knew most of them. How Nene Sebastyn hated the place which Ser Mason was in love with - he was well aware of it. Those little spies had whispered everything they had witnessed with their vicious eyes and heard with their sharp ears.     The days were beginning to be brighter than usual, sun shone above the city and on the crystals of Glass Palace. The outside walls would feel like burning coal, the greenery looked golden, the birds had stopped chirping, but never had the people. People did not seem to stop. They kept working and serv