
Showing posts from February, 2020


CATHERINE I        Lady Catherine had been knitting beside Garrett's bed for days. The child had a severe fever and was sleeping deeply. His fair skin was pale, hands warm, lips swollen. Catherine knew that her son was not going to die but she didn't wish to leave his side. She had been there for four days in a row. She would pray to the Gods for him, knit clothes for him, feed him herself and more than that she'd gaze at him, every part of his pale skin. He was getting thinner. She put the half-knitted cloth aside and walked towards the window. She heard horsemen marching outside the castle. She looked up at clouds floating around in the sky. Her boy needed sunlight, but there was no sign of him. She closed her eyes and prayed to the God to bless Garry some sunlight. Mistress Wyla had told her that sunlight cures some disease.        She turned back and found Alanna brushing her brother's forehead in a fancy pink velvet gown. Her brown hair was done in a fancy way


HARRON I     Somewhere in the Winterwoods, a camp-fire was illuminating the dusk and wrapping the freezing region with its warmth. Tents were set up for the King's men, who loyally accompanied him in his hunt. Every other part of the forest was as silent as the Black Forest. However this stead was full of hustle and bustle caused by the men. Some of those men were inside the tents, some were warming themselves near the flames and drinking wine. They were tired and delighted at the same for the hunt was successful. The king had a great fortune as it was rare to find a good catch those days and he was able to get a gigantic brown stag. A young lad was singing 'We Fly High' beside the fire and a wrinkled old man was engrossed in skinning the stag and appreciating the lad's appropriate notes.          The king was inside his tent, taking rest or probably enjoying with his favorite companions, "books". Harron loved to read books since he was a child. And he di


AERYS I          Aerys Sunryder entered the path that was leading her to the entrance of the Glass Palace. She had taken a bath in warm milk and white rose petals to nourish her fair skin and to make it brighter. She was never fond of red roses. Red, the colour of blood, was the color of the coffin in which her late parents were kept during their funeral ; she was scared of this colour. She would rather seek for one beautiful white rose than a garden full of bloody red roses. Perhaps that was the reason why the Royal Garden was not including any red flowers in it. Her royal gown was as white as ice and it was nearly similar to her skin-shade. But her hair had a shade of the darkest black,  people had ever seen of a Queen. Her eyes were sticked at the Gate, she kept walking. Her guardsmen were following her at a distance from her and her trustful companion, Ser Bennyt. Ser Bennyt was continuously speaking about something. Aerys didn't pay any attention to it. She was wondering ho


MISAE II         As the feast night passed, Misae's heart wanted a cheerful sun in the Capital. She had been praying to the Gods for the safety of her family since the morning. The fatigue of the last night was glaringly visible on her dull face. She was dissapointed with the Gods that they didn't have mercy on her. After living under no sunlight, in the freezing cold, she had wished only for a fine amount of sunshine. But the nature had other plans with the day. The sky was full of clouds, which were stopping the sunlight to reach out to Misae and providing negativity to her distraught mind. She barely had sleep last night because of her missing daughter,  her absconded sister and the sugary guest. Her magnificent blue eyes needed more sleep but her discomfort had overpowered upon her sleep. Still she was walking gracefully with a stolid face as she had been told that the Princess had been found asleep in the royal stable. For her, when it was about her children, there woul


BENNYT I         Ser Bennyt's chamber was in one of the tallest towers of the Glass Palace. The view from his window was something which would take someone into another world, where he'd think he's the holder of power and everything happens on his commands. The Glass Palace was not made of glass, neither it used to reflect the light like glass. Ser Bennyt's wine glass was about to reflect the first ray of sunshine. He was standing at his window and taking a view of the scenery he could see. The Royal Garden, the Gate of Glass Palace, the Grand Diner, the Stable - his eyes were running from one to another like an examiner. He wasn't observing the beauty. He was checking whether the horses were being feed, whether the plants were being watered, whether the breakfast table was being set for the queen, whether the soldiers were alert at the gate. As sincere as he was, he could see everything was perfect that morning. But his heart was trying to search a reason to sho