Lady Catherine had been knitting beside Garrett's bed for days. The child had a severe fever and was sleeping deeply. His fair skin was pale, hands warm, lips swollen. Catherine knew that her son was not going to die but she didn't wish to leave his side. She had been there for four days in a row. She would pray to the Gods for him, knit clothes for him, feed him herself and more than that she'd gaze at him, every part of his pale skin. He was getting thinner. She put the half-knitted cloth aside and walked towards the window. She heard horsemen marching outside the castle. She looked up at clouds floating around in the sky. Her boy needed sunlight, but there was no sign of him. She closed her eyes and prayed to the God to bless Garry some sunlight. Mistress Wyla had told her that sunlight cures some disease.

       She turned back and found Alanna brushing her brother's forehead in a fancy pink velvet gown. Her brown hair was done in a fancy way as well. She asked coldly, "Why are you so charmingly dressed ?" Her voice was neither sweet nor harsh. Alanna looked at herself if her dress was inappropriate. She said eerily, "Father is here" She waited for her mother to say something that'd make her feel better. She was scared by her mother's look. Her golden brown eyes were not happy with her. "Let him sleep", Cathie said harshly. Alanna couldn't stay there anymore. She ran away from the chamber frightfully. Cathie knew she had frightened her daughter. She was sorry. She looked in the mirror. She was dull, she didn't like the way she was looking. "What have I done to myself !", she thought.

      Mistress Wyla came with a tray. There were some fruits and a bowl of hot soup. Its smell made Catherine remember that she was starving. "My Lady !",said the old mistress, bowing her head. Cathie ordered,"Feed him and change his clothes. And yes ! Give him a massage with some oil". The Mistress put the tray on the table beside Garry's bed and said,"Have no worries, my Lady. I'll properly take care of my little Lord. Cathie got some relief and picked up her bronze hair clip and bound her hair with it from the back of her neck. She came close to the boy and kissed him on his cheek. "Pray for him", she said to Wyla and left the room. She heard the Mistress closing the door behind her.

      She climbed down the stairs and came to open. The air was wet and so was the ground. She held her dark-grey gown and saved it from getting ruined by the touch of the muddy ground. She saw Lady Katrina talking to her daughter. "Alanna !", she called out as she saw her pink fabrics drowned in the mud. "Look ! You've ruined your dress. Go and change it", said she when she came close. Alanna looked at herself, she had displeased her mother. "I'm sorry mother", she said tenderly. 

     "That will not clean it, Alanna", said Cathie. Lady Katrina interrupted, "Don't worry, child. I'll send a maid and she'll take good care of it. Go and choose another beautiful clothing for you. You must look your best today", she tried to console her. Alanna smiled and replied, "I'll take my leave then, Lady Florence. Mother !" She bowed gracefully and headed towards her chamber.

    Lady Katrina had loved Alanna like her own daughter. She was decent and her voice was full of energy that will make everything better. Catherine knew Katrina had a son and she adores Alanna. She never liked her. She was wearing a classic dark-green gown, which was far better than Catherine's. She was of the same height. Cathrine raised an eyebrow at her, "What did she say, Lady Florence ?". She was dubious. Katrina said smiling, "She's such a lovely child. You've raised an adorable girl, my Lady." Then she became a bit gloomy and added "She told me about her brother. I pray for him day and night, may Gods bless him with health and prosperity." Catherine knew she was lying. No-one prays like a mother. She said with an emotionless smile, "I'm touched by your words, Lady Florence. He'll be well soon" She added, "What are our husbands up to ?" and started walking towards her chamber. Katrina started following, "Discussing in the meeting room. Lord Moonhills wanted to see my husband after his arrival. His old friend, after all !"

 Catherine didn't like it. He didn't meet his ailing son nor his beloved daughter. He met his friend. She took it as a disgrace for her wifehood. "Lady Florence ! Let us know if you need anything", she said looking at Katrina and went forward leaving her alone.  She took a bath in warm water and wore an sparkling golden gown. She clasped her auburn hair with a precious barrette made of moonstone. 

    A pleasant sun had showed up in the cloudy sky. God's Hill was known for the hills and the moonstone. Catherine had the blood of Roselands inside her. She was about to enter in her forties. Being the eldest child in her house, she always had more value to her father. She got married first, but she got a child after her Queen sister. She looked herself in the mirror again after cleaning up herself. She was contented with her radiant face, she had brushed her hair until it shone. She put on her moon-bracelet and a belt with a bronze rose on it. Mistress Wyla showed up again. "Your father, my Lady !", she said to her showing her a letter stamped with a shape of rose on molten wax. Cathie recieved it after she scented herself with the rose perfume sent by her mother from High Flora. "How's my son ?", she asked while she unsealed the letter. It had been long that her father wrote to her. He knew his eligible eldest child had been doing well. 
     "I did as you had wished, my Lady. He'll be well soon. Have faith on the Gods". She added after a moment of silence, "Lord Moonhills visited him with Lady Alanna in your absence", the mistress answered. Her eyes were fixed on the letter.  Lord Rosewatcher's letter had that power that could draw anyone's attention. "Good", Catherine said after unfolding the letter. She started reading with a constant expression.

 "What does he say, my Lady ?", the mistress was curious. 

   Catherine read word by word carefully. She realized that the handwriting wasn't her father's. It was of a man, younger than her old father. "Drennald and his writing !" She giggled like a little girl. "Garry can write better than this. He says my sister has deserted. He asks if she's in God's Hill". She handed the letter to the Mistress and stood up. She took her golden shawl from her bed and came out of her chamber. She started heading towards the diner. She was in need of some beverage and food. "What is in lunch ?", she asked Wyla with a sigh. Before the Mistress could answer, she stopped her. "Oh wait ! I'll see myself"

    Mistress Wyla felt stupid. She stopped outside the dining hall and bowed as Catherine went in. She recognized every faces present at the diner. Lady Katrina was praising Alanna's new dress. Her son Henry was sitting beside his father, Lord Tyler Florence, staring at Alanna. Lord Tyler and Lord Moonhills were chatting with a laughter. No one noticed Catherine coming into the hall. She walked towards her husband and kissed him on his cheek. "Welcome, my Love", she said when she sat on her chair beside him, opposing Lady Katrina. "You finally showed up, my Lady", Lord Moonhills kissed her hand. "This fragrance ! Oh I've missed it so much", he praised Cathie's perfume. "There are roses everywhere in the country, Garlan", said Cathie.

  "There's no match for the roses that grow in High Flora", Lord Tyler said chewing  a slice of fish-cake. "No, my Lord. I've heard the roses of the Glass Palace are the best in the world", Katrina said in a suggesting manner. Catherine cut off a slice of the pork and said before putting it in her mouth with the fork, "Trust me, I was born in High Flora. I know all kinds of roses that grow there. All the roses smell the same. I bet on it" She looked at Alanna and then turned her head towards Lady Katrina. She smiled and said,"let us raise the glasses for the roses". She raised her wine glass and so did everyone else. The hall room echoed, "For the roses". Catherine made a toast but she didn't say the words. She found Alanna blushing because of Henry. It raised her anger. But she didn't made any objections at the hall.

      She spent the afternoon with her husband, in the garden. He told her about his memorable experiences, he had had in the Capital as the Representative of the Roselands. He had returned after six months after he received the words, that Catherine had sent through a raven to inform him about Gary's fragile health conditions. He decided to return while the King was off to the North. Garlan was already in his forties. He and Lord Tyler had been friends for many years. Lord Tyler came to see him nearly after two years along with his wife and son. Bless their friendship ! Catherine came to know that her husband had to return as soon as possible. She felt deceived. She had a quarrel with him and returned to Garry's chambers in frustration. 

 "His son is bed-ridden for weeks and all he cares about is his position at the King's Court. Damn him", she said to Mistress Wyla and slammed the door. She wanted to add, "Couldn't he see how Henry was trying to trap poor Alanna ?". She seated on her chair beside her son and held his warm hand. She kissed it a few times and kept holding it. His soft touch and innocent face calmed his mother down. Her anger was about to turn into tears. She rubbed her eyes with one hand. Her eyes fell on the clothing that she was making. She carefully put Garrett's hand on his bed and started knitting. She didn't even realize when she fell asleep.

     She woke up when Mistress Wyla came running in, "My Lady!" She opened the door like a thunder. She became silent as the room was dark and Garry was asleep. "What is it ?", asked she angrily. The mistress remained quiet. It suggested bad news.

   Cathie rushed to the Dining Hall. She saw Lady Katrina trembling in fear and Henry standing beside her. As she came closer, Katrina held her hands and cried, "My Lady !" Catherine freed her hand with a flick. Alanna was sobbing. Her sob was echoing through the hall. She went near her. Her husband was there, lying on the floor, foam spilling from his mouth. His neck was darkened as if someone had strangled him. But more than that he was poisoned. His wine glass was right near his hand. She began to falter. Her eyes welled up and everything was a blur. She couldn't understand anything. She screamed in anguish. Her scream was so high that half of the God's Hill would have heard it. Her throat began to ache.

      The next evening, after the rituals, she was writing something in her chamber. She was wearing black. Deep in her mind, she was thinking. What will be changed ? He never stayed with her for long, she never loved him. He never cared for her. He never had time for his city, for his children. Why should she mourn ? She suddenly heard a voice, "My Lady ! Please pardon me for interrupting you. But I need to see you this moment, it's vital". That voice, the voice she didn't like at all. "Go away", she shouted.

     "But it's too important, Lady Moonhills. That is why I'm here. I beg you please let me see you", Lady Katrina cried out and came in. 

      Catherine hadn't expected she'd come in without her permission. "I didn't allow you". She came closer and said,"It is a tragic time for us. Gods have mercy. My husband ! He has departed from God's Hill, Lady Catherine" Catherine's eyes were red, her hair was out of shape. She stopped writing. "I have to return to our city. There is no news of him. My son wants to stay with Lady Alanna. I'm leaving him with her. They're happy together".

      "Lord Florence left ?", Catherine didn't understand. "Why would he leave after the death of his dearest friend ?"

     "I'm uncertain, my Lady", Katrina said.

     "Why are you uncertain, Lady Katrina ? Why do you want to leave ? Why do you want your son to hover around my daughter ?", she asked suspiciously.

     "Because...", Katrina was out of words. She did not know what to answer. She was terrified.

      "Can't you understand, Lady Katrina !", Catherine said thumping on the table. The ink spilled on the table and spoiled her writing. "You still pretend to be innocent. Your husband ! He poisoned my husband and left quietly. And now you wish to run away from us ?"

     "He wouldn't", she protested. "They were good friends. Why would he kill him ?"

     "He was jealous of my husband's wealth and reputation", Cathie shouted.

    "He wasn't. Your accusation is too high, Lady Catherine", Katrina said in disbelief and fright.

   "Well, I can make my accusation the truth, Lady Florence". Cathie picked up the feather, she was writing with.

   "You can't. You don't have any evidence. For Gods' sake, Lady Catherine! Have shame",  Katrina said with disgust.

   Catherine showed a finger at her and said in anger. "Desertion is the evidence". She held the table with both of her hands and said bringing her face closer ,"You should ask me to have mercy. Well, don't ask. I'll offer it to you. You and your son ! You will leave my castle and will go to the capital. You'll take my husband's position at the King's Court and fulfill his duty. And forget about my daughter. She's out of your reach. I'll write to my sister". She emphasized on each word .

     Katrina was speechless. She kept staring at the spoiled paper.

    "My Lady !", Mistress Wyla came running in. She didn't understand the situation. Yet she said, "Our Little Lord got out of the bed. Gods have shown mercy". 


  1. Characters Appeared :
    Catherine Moonhills
    Katrina Florence
    Alanna Moonhills
    Garlan Moonhills
    Garrett Moonhills
    Tyler Florence
    Mistress Wyla
    Henry Florence

    Characters Mentioned :
    - Keven Rosewatcher (Lord Rosewatcher)
    - Drennald Rosewatcher (Catherine's brother)
    - Misae Rosewatcher (Catherine's Sister)
    - Musae Rosewatcher (Catherine's sister)
    - Lysa Rosewatcher (Catherine's mother)

    Location :
    The Moon Fort, God's Hill, Roselands


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