Ser Bennyt's chamber was in one of the tallest towers of the Glass Palace. The view from his window was something which would take someone into another world, where he'd think he's the holder of power and everything happens on his commands. The Glass Palace was not made of glass, neither it used to reflect the light like glass. Ser Bennyt's wine glass was about to reflect the first ray of sunshine. He was standing at his window and taking a view of the scenery he could see. The Royal Garden, the Gate of Glass Palace, the Grand Diner, the Stable - his eyes were running from one to another like an examiner. He wasn't observing the beauty. He was checking whether the horses were being feed, whether the plants were being watered, whether the breakfast table was being set for the queen, whether the soldiers were alert at the gate. As sincere as he was, he could see everything was perfect that morning. But his heart was trying to search a reason to shout at the servants. Sadly, he didn't get any. He walked towards his bed with the disappointment and seated himself. He knew it was a grand day for him and his queen. He was worried about the arrangements but he didn't have a worried expression on his face, neither did his body language suggested something like that. He was confident deep inside his heart and mind. A servant came running in. "We're done with the arrangements, my Lord. " Bennyt didn't look at him. He looked into the mirror and said, "Good". It sounded quite ungrateful and rude. Johnny, the squire got a little dissapointed. He had been running around the castle to look after every arrangements for Ser Bennyt, he climbed all the stairs and came to the chamber to tell. And a "Good" was a bit harsh to thank him. Well, Ser Bennyt had never been polite to the servants. He would order and get it done at any cost. "Let me know if you need anything else, my Lord.", Johnny broke the awkward silence. Bennyt stood up and started walking towards the window again. He felt the cold breeze on his face. He took a sip of wine and said, "There are still many things to be done." He kept staring at the Gates. Johnny said confidently, as if he was ready to receive his Lord's harsh orders," Order me, my Lord. " Bennyt smirked and said, "There are bigger things to be done than these arrangements for our enemies." His voice started sounding cruel. "Things that come under power. And power which comes under the Queen." Johnny couldn't understand what his master was trying to ordain. Keeping his thoughts to himself, he clarified that he didn't perceive his words. Ser Bennyt, still staring at the Gates, paid a deaf ear to his clarification. A moment after, he said, "You are done here." to make him understand that there was no orders left. When Johnny started walking towards the door, which he had entered through, expecting that he had been disburdened, Ser Bennyt stopped him by saying, "Remind the Grand-Mistress that she's being reminded of something." Johnny nodded although his thoughts had been proven wrong and left the room, leaving Ser Bennyt alone. 

         Few moments after the sunrise, Ser Bennyt was heading towards the Throne Room, which was at the heart of the palace. His steps were proclaiming how confident he was. It was a big day, he had to welcome his enemies soon, he had to keep entertaining them and look after all those things that he had never even taken care of for his son. The guards opened the grand silver gate of the throne room, when he reached there. His green robe was shining in the dim sunlight coming through the door. Bennyt  entered the throne room with the same confidence in his face to meet his queen. He came in front of the throne, where Aerys, the white queen had been waiting for the final confirmation from her special advisor. He bowed gracefully and greeted her a "good morning" that it looked he wished from the bottom of his heart. But his heart knew that it was not even from the top. Bennyt got a bit confused when Aerys didn't respond to his greeting, he understood that he was apparently late which might have affected the queen. But it was very rare that Ser Bennyt Sunapear would ask for forgiveness. "You are late, Ser Bennyt. I've been eagerly waiting for you", said Aerys with a calm expression. Bennyt got the notion that she wasn't that much upset, so he confirmed himself not to ask for forgiveness this time at all. He said, "I was looking after the preparations, your Grace. I nearly forgot to wish you a good morning. Our workers are getting lazy, someone needed to show them what they are."
- "Are we done with the preparations ?"
- "Yes, Your Grace, everything is going the way we have decided. It's just the breakfast."
- "Then, get it done as soon as possible.", as she said, her voice echoed inside the hall. 

       Bennyt was dissapointed with her behavior inside his mind. His mouth wanted to give an excuse to the Queen, but he went with his mind and tried to distract her from the matter of preparations. "Your Grace, the Noharas won't be forgetting about the  hospitality they are going to get in our Kingdom. We will do our best for them." He added curiously,"I hope you know what you are supposed to do, my Queen." He noticed  that Aerys had started to look confused. Aerys replied with a little uncertainty, "They are our guests." Bennyt interrupted her, "Yes! They are our guests. Don't let them be something more than guests. Guests come and go." Bennyt thought this would be enough to silent the girl. As Aerys didn't stop speaking, he realized this was not a cherry pie. "But they are coming to ask for our aid."

- "Indeed they are !"
- "And we should help them as a neighboring kingdom to show an altruistic nature for everyone."
- "Someone should be helped when he's trustworthy. And we have been enemies for a long period of time. They do not deserve our help."
- "This book that I've read says that everyone who is in need of help, should be helped, despite our relationship with the person."
       Bennyt was losing his patience. The Queen was not ready to accept her advisor's advice. He was blaming the Grand Mistress for letting the Queen read some stupid religious books. Yet, he didn't give up and said, "Books are boring, my Queen. All those things that a book includes, are not meant for real sometimes. No-one really succeeds when they try to implement bookish knowledge in reality. I've always told you not to read too much.  You need to think wisely, your Grace." Bennyt thought it would be his last words to make her understand. "I can't believe you're telling me that, Ser Bennyt. You disappointed me. I was sure that you'd understand.", she expressed her disappointment. Bennyt was proven wrong again. He was in search of words to describe her about the right thing to be done. Suddenly, he started, "I'm sad that you are incapable of understanding what it means to help someone who kicked you out from your home. You're young and inexperienced, my Queen. Please listen to me. Your father knew it." Aerys interrupted, "And he chose apathy. I can't see someone being destructed because of my refusal even if I could have been able to stop it." Bennyt realized that Aerys was not a child anymore, whom who would say anything to do and she would do it without any interrogation. "You should follow the way that your father had once chosen.", he said as he was giving up. Aerys stood up and walked gracefully towards him. Once she  confronted him, she said "You are my advisor and I'm the Queen. You can give your suggestions, but I am the one who has to take the decisions." She started walking towards the gate leaving Bennyt in a threatful feeling. Bennyt followed her into the gardens. He was trying his best to make her realize why she should do what he wants to be done. "You should think of the realm, your Grace. We are not in good terms with them. It can affect the common folk."
- "It seems like you're afraid, Ser."
- "As long as I am in my home, nothing can make me afraid. But once we cross our lands, we start feeling afraid surely. The more we go away from our home, the more we get frightened, my Queen."
- "Oh! Which book suggests you that ? But you just said books don't fancy you."
- "History is not a book, your highness. It's the truth that has passed. Shin was our kingdom. Your ancestors have ruled over this large country. But they took.. "
- "Not now, Ser. This is not the time. We'll talk elaborately in my leisure. Let them arrive once. We don't have to rush anything." ,said Aerys in an exhausting voice, as she went into her chambers leaving Bennyt alone.

     Bennyt realized it was going to be difficult for him to face the upcoming days.


  1. Characters Appeared:
    Ser/Lord Bennyt Sunspear
    Aerys Sunryder

    Characters Mentioned :
    Aerys's Father (Hoseyn Sunryder)
    Shannon Nohara and Co. (preferred to guests)

    Location :
    The Glass Palace, Queen's Landing, Glasslands


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