Queen's Landing was always pleasant, day and night it was filled with the maritime air. The Glass Palace stood above the Queen's Bay. Its waves made lively noises all the time and ships could be seen sailing across from the windows of Glass Palace. Mason had counted six on the day of their arrival, before he went to sleep after a delightful dinner. He had loved every moment ever since he entered the city of Aerys Sunryder. Aerys was kind towards him, perhaps she was the first girl to conquer his heart. Aerys had taken Shannon on a visit in her castle after they had dinner together in the Grand Dining Hall. Nene and Mason had joined them on her insist.

       Aerys had spent sixteen years of her life in the Glass Palace and Mason had spent only a day. Her lovely voice and magnificent eyes had taken roots deep inside his heart. Aerys had shown her castle to her guests. Her smile was so generous that any man would fall for her. But she was the Queen after all, not all the men could touch her. Mason was one of those men, who could only love her by only glaring at her. There were portraits hanging on the walls, and Aerys had made her guests aware of all of them. Allirie Sunryder's portrait disclosed where Aerys had got her beauty from. She was just like her. The same eyes, same hair, same cheekbones and the smile. Mason and Nene kept walking behind them and were watching how she was making her ways with Shannon.

       "She's trying to trap Shannon. She thinks seducing him will get him trapped", Nene couldn't keep silence for long. She was sick with the Queen's courtesy.

       "I'd say she is rather kindhearted", Mason had been denying continually. He knew how Nene was. She never liked such sugary ladies. She was practical and she always believed in facts. She less likely to like other easily.

    "They are giving us troubles on our very first day. She could have denied that old misstress, who took Miss Natalie with her to pray. She knew Miss Natalie was exhausted. Yet she didn't make any objections. And why would they make us walk this long ? I'm sure there are chambers everywhere here", said Nene keeping an eye on sweet Aerys.

    For a moment, Mason wished if it wasn't true. He gave an excuse, "They want us to see the beauty of their castle. I must admit this is incredibly marvellous. Perhaps you're the only person who thinks that much deep". He smiled and added to tease her, "And wrong ! Such a waste use of mind"

    Nene gave that look at Mason, which she'd always give when she'd dislike something. Her annoyed hazel eyes would stop at the unpleasant thing. Her mind would start searching for words and in a moment, her sharp tongue would spill it out scornfully. Mason was well aware of this and he was ready. "and perhaps you're the only person who has no use of his mind". 

    It was not the first time that Mason had been mocked on the basis of his wisdom. Mason knew he was the least intelligent person present in that hall. "I'm quite a bit familiar with the struggle. I can sense it from miles away. You don't teach me what to think", Nene said as if she had taught a lesson.

     After the round, they returned to their chambers and Aerys wished everyone before they went in, except Nene. What could have she done if Nene had shut the door before she came to wish. Mason saw this and felt sorry for Aerys.

     Mason had his eyes on Ser Bennyt as well. He seemed to be a clever man, but quite old fashioned. He had seen Aerys being unhappy with her advisor. He thought Nene would like him, maybe their way of thinking was quite similar. He had shared his idea with her, but Nene had no interests in any member of the Glass Palace. Thinking about Aerys and her castle, he slept earlier than he intended to. He'd wanted to count some more ships. Deep inside his mind, he knew his Lord-father would be ashamed to see him counting ships like a five-year old boy, but his heart was ready to throw this thought aside. Such a knight could be a convenient person to draw laughter and taunts. person Mason had black hair just like Aerys, as dark as night. His jawline was so sharp that Nene once tried to use it as a knife to make fun of him. His lips are quite catchy and pink. Any girl would want to kiss those lips, not knowing that those are Ser Mason's. He had grown a bit of facial hair on his chin and above his lips, which was adding masculinity to his face. He was a man after all.

    He had done all kinds of things to make his visit memorable. He spent two days near the sea shore. He visited the port, the Great Temple of Queen's Landing and saw religious men and women everywhere near the temple in the Mistria. He saw the Tower of Mercy and the Action Pit. He was fascinated by the City Market. He bought a green ruby stone from a merchant as a gift for his mother. He gathered memories for six days. He barely stayed in the Glass Palace. Nene didn't accompany him. She stayed inside her chamber and watched the garden. She wanted to see the Action Pit, but Ladies were not welcome there on normal days. On the day of Mason's visit to the pit, he and Nene had a quarrel on it and finally Miss Natalie forbid her to go with Mason. Mason knew Nene more than anyone and he could understand what she was going through.

      On the seventh day, he couldn't break his fast with Aerys as he failed to wake up early. How kind Aerys was that she sent food for him into his chamber. Mason broke his fast on the bed with egg whites, bread and apple juice. When the sun started to be a bit sharp, he headed to Nene's chamber to see if she was still low spirited. Nene opened the door with a red face and didn't reply to his morning wish. She hadn't unpacked her things completely. Colourful dresses were scattered on her bed. She had to select one for the day. Mason made some place on her bed and seated himself on it. He judged Nene's dull yet grumpy face and thought to please her. "Believe it or not, these days were too exhausting. But the city is worthy of my exhaustion. Every moment is going to be my lifetime memory, except perhaps these chambers. I've started to feel a bit suffocated. I wish I hadn't declined Ser Bennyt's offer to go and see the East City on a ship. I regret not going there. Sailing must be absolutely adventurous. Going with the winds and waves, the marine food, the sun ! Look I'm thrilled after just an imagination. How thrilling it'd be !"

    "Has your hollow head ever heard of seasickness ?", Nene finally opened her mouth. "I'm certain a coward like you is supposed to have it". She smirked and kept searching for a suitable clothing. "I'm not here to fight, Nene", Mason said calmly. Nene looked at his silly face and replied, "And I'm not here to talk".

    Mason heard footsteps outside the chamber, but ignored. "I'm glad I'm here in Queen's Landing. Staying in a chamber facing the sea, having delicious meals, wandering through the city. No one in our ancient House has ever visited Queen's Landing. Probably I'm the first, and all because of you. If you wouldn't have put sword on my throat, I would have returned from the Black Forest. Thank you for doing it. I'm grateful" Nene acted like a deaf. "I'm talking to you with gratitude, Lady Nene"

     "And I hear it. I'm running low on energy and I don't want the rest to be wasted on you", Nene yelled with frustration. She threw some clothes from the bed to the door. "What are you doing ?", Mason shouted. He didn't even understand why he shouted. Nene calmed herself down and picked up her sword. She put it in a box and looked for a place to hide. "What do you intend to do ? Why are you hiding it ?" Nene hid it under her bed and answered, "Miss Natalie said I can't keep it with me all the time. She said it to you too, but no wonder your little worthless piece of brain forgot. They want assurance of safety. I rather think we are the ones, who need it"

     "I know. I do remember. I can stay without it. But you ! You look odd without your sword. It make you complete", Mason expressed his concern. Nene threw some gowns aside and picked up a steel dagger hidden under them. She freed it from its sheath and took a sharp glare at its sharpness. Mason had never seen a dagger like that, well sharpened, a falcon shaped on its hilt. It truly resembled it was from Alphaville. "Where'd you get that ?" 

    "Master Clarence got it forged in Alphaville for me. He said it'd be useful. I can hide it in my clothes", said Nene holding the steel in her hand as if she was going to kill someone. Mason asked, "Did you ask Miss Natalie ?"

    "No. I knew she wouldn't let me keep it", she said and put it in its sheath. "Are you sure this dagger is an efficient choice for your sword ?", Mason questioned.

   Nene realized she was sharing this with Mason. "Would you like to see ?", she showed a red eye. She put it back on the bed and said, "You'll see when it's the time". Mason was glad that she didn't taunted him.  "A sheep doesn't urge to make questions. He knows he's a sheep", Nene scoffed. Mason wasn't glad anymore. He thought he should stay silent. He didn't even realize it'd make Nene's statement apparently justified. Nene picked up a lime-green gown and exclaimed in dejection, "What kind of clothes are these ? How do they wear it ? I'm not going to wear any of these. I don't want to look like a pear".

    Mason imagined her in the gown and had an invisible laughter. "Pink, blue, yellow, red,   purple, green and white. These are too bright for me. How could those brainless maiden packed these for me ? I know they are useless. I should have packed my things  myself". 

      Nene never took any help from the maiden. She did everything herself. She would dress like a knight and put on manly clothes. It was obvious that she wouldn't like those feminine clothes. "What shall I do ?", she asked. Mason wanted to remain quiet. Nene picked up a hairnet and asked, "What is this net about ? Do ladies catch fish with it ? This object is a subject of laughter". She laughed for a while and felt stupid. Mason was staring at her with the silence of resentment. He broke it when Nene did began to glued her eyes at him with humour. "Stop making me uncomfortable", he said. "It's a hairnet. Stick  it on your head or throw it away."

       "Oh! I am not throwing it. It's a new thing. Let me try", Nene said it with an excitement and tried to wear it. Alas ! She couldn't do it in the proper way. "It's not the way you should wear it", Mason tried to guide her. 

      "Don't teach me, fathead", she was annoyed was she couldn't even wear a little hairnet. Mason shook his head and came back to the grumpy state. 

    "Why shouldn't he teach ?", they heard a familiar pleasant voice. The door slammed behind them. They turned and found Miss Natalie coming in. She picked up the clothes, which Nene had thrown recently. "Your costumes signify your nature. And it's meant especially for the ladies", she said as she came closer and seat herself on a chair. Mason knew she'd be upset with Nene. "Clean your chamber, Nene. It looks devastated". She put the clothes on the table and looked at Nene. "I will, Miss", she replied. Natalie observed the room for a while and said,"You should reduce your voice. I saw little spies outside your chamber. The walls may not have ears, but they have. And trust me they are very sharp". 

  Nene and Mason looked at each other. Nene was blaming him for it. The young mistress said looking at the embroidery of the clothes, "Now, both of you, don't blame each other. Nene ! Stop staring like that, your eyes will hurt. And Mason ! Would you like to tell me the cause, why I couldn't find you at the breakfast ?" Mason hesitated, "I couldn't get up, Miss Natalie. I'll make sure it'd never happen again". He felt ashamed.

     Nene asked, "What did she say ? How long are we going to stay here ?" She paused for a moment and added, "It's been a week and I want to throw myself from this window". Mason didn't know who was the "she" here. But he started assuming. "Nobody can speak like her. She's very poetic. She never says anything straight. She hasn't changed a bit. I hardly understood anything. She said something about the setting sun and the direction of the disaster. And I thought she was talking about our Kingdom".
     "The foreigners ! They are coming from the west and west is the direction where the sun sets", Mason said as if he had solved a mystery. "Really, you're a discoverer. Keep going, Mason". Mason understood that he didn't solve anything. Everyone was aware of the fact that he'd said. "And that means, the things she said, are no use of us", he added. 

    Natalie said, "No, that is not the only thing. She said quite a lot of things, I don't even remember. She told me that world is set up on trust. Trust can break and make things worse and better. I don't know what she meant". Nene laughed at this, "Grand Mistress grows older and older, and her wisdom falls".

    "Age doesn't define your wisdom. Your thoughts and action make you wise", Natalie didn't agree with Nene.

    Mason was pleased with Miss Natalie. She was the only person, who could silence Nene. Natalie was wearing black. She was in her formal costume. Mistresses wear black or grey when they work. Natalie was young, fair, tall and beautiful. Her cheeks and lips were pink and she had a sharp nose. Natalie was named as the new counselor of the Prince after the old Miss Edeline died. She was not so much older than the Prince, but strong enough that she had gained an excellent efficiency in her work. 

    As Nene was impatient, she raised her voice, "I have been staying here for a week and it makes me sick that nothing has happened yet. We're not here to listen to the Grand Mistress". Mason advised, "We should wait, Nene. Perhaps there's a good fate waiting for us". Nene shook his head in disagreement, "The foreigners will take our Kingdom and we'll be waiting here for these people to do something".

    Mason didn't say anything. He wanted Miss Natalie to say. Miss Natalie stood up and started walking towards the balcony. The aroma of roses touched her senses. She found Aerys and Shannon walking through the garden. Aerys was blushing and Shannon was smiling gently. 

    She said, "Sometimes waiting plots new seeds in the garden. And when time comes, they become fruitful for us. And if not, they turn into poison".

     Silence filled the chamber and all they could hear was the chirping of the birds. 



  1. Characters Appeared :
    Mason Forrester
    Nene Sebastyn
    Natalie Aymen

    Characters Mentioned :
    - Bennyt Sunspear
    - Grand Mistress Nushio
    - Miss Edeline (Shannon's former Counselor)
    - Lord Forrester (Mason's Father)
    - Aerys Sunryder
    - Shannon Nohara
    - Master Clarence (A Master who keeps record of the Smiths in Alphaville)

    Location :
    The Glass Palace, Queen's Landing, The Glass Lands

    Some Helpful Information :

    - The Great Temple is the most sacred place for the Believers of the Holy Gods (A main Religion of the country). It is situated at the heart of Queen's Landing. Mistresses pray there and many of the religious mistresses and masters live near the Great Temple.

    - Mistria is the locality around the Great Temple, where only mistresses and masters used to live. But along time, they allowed the common folk to live there in rent too.

    - The Action Pit is a large open field where the knights are trained and often tournaments are held there. Ladies aren't welcome here on normal days, except the ladies from the Royal Family. But on the day of tournaments, everyone can enter the Action Pit.

    - The Tower of Mercy is a tower at the north-east shore of Queen's Landing, near the port. One of the Sunryder King executed his prisoners by throwing them into the sea, beheading them and hanging them. People called this event "the King's Mercy". And the tower was named so. The watchers of City-watch watch the city from here. If anyone is attacking through the sea. There is another tower at the frontal entrance of Queen's Landing to watch if the city is being attacked by enemies.

    - Misstresses generally wear black or grey clothes when they're on work or worship.

    - Queen's Landing is an active city of Business through the sea-ways. It manages its business with many cities. Queen's Port is the port of the city and center of sea-ways business and fishery.

    - Little spies are children who are scattered throughout the city and even in the castle to gather information. They work under Grand Mistress and Ser Bennyt.

    - Mason's Father, Lord Forrester is the holder of power in Woodswatch. It's a city in the southern Crownlands.

    - The Prince's counselor is the title of the Master or Mistress who educates the Prince. Miss Natalie became the Counselor after the death of old Miss Edeline.

    (Thank You)


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