He knew it would be fair. Darwyn Krufer had proven himself a big snob for which Lord Maximilian had to go through a severe humiliation in the court room and might the Gods had granted Miss Natalie's wish, he would be dealing with an issue of anger and resentment with his son. Standing at the window of his chamber, Shannon Noahra was trying to see as far as his sight allowed him.

 It was a warm night. Not at all like one of Sun Palace. Alphaville was surrounded by mountains and wilderness in its each direction. So, days would be mostly cloudy and nights were cool there. Warm sheets of his bed chamber were always useful in his home. Unlike Alphaville, Queen's Landing was just beside the sea. Neither any mountains shielded the city nor any woods stood there as a green fencing. Only the vast meadows with grass - tall and small, with the fragrance of horse-shit and some unknown wild flowers. It was quite easy to ride through those open plain for someone who had known the rolling hilly ways of God's Hill. Queen's Landing was big, but flat. Shannon never seemed to have any kind of dislike for the city.

Thousands of glimmering stars, marking the edge of the sea, were persuading the nature that sea was not entirely endless. It was all an illusion though. Shannon knew where the end of the sea lied.

In the endless midnight blue sky, the crescent moon was playing games with its opacity. It was the sigil of his aunt Catherine's house - House Moonhills, one of the ancient noble ones of the country. He felt terribly sorry for his Lady aunt and cousins when Lady Isabelle Sunspear had given him the bad news. Lord Garlan loved  his duty and so did Shannon. To win the harmony of House Sunryder was his duty and history was going to change its path if he did succeed in it. All he needed to succeed was patience to spend the time and kindness to win trust.

Shannon had read many things about wars in the history. When he was a child, becoming a soldier was his dream until he got the idea that he was a prince. And princes followed the principle of becoming nothing in future. But they had the rare and nondescript power of changing history. That was what he had wanted since then : to change the history. But what did he really need to change it ? Perhaps a love story like Hosseyn Sunryder or a conquest like Darron, the conqueror.

The beauty outside of his window was going to be alive for the rest of the night until the moon would start vanishing in the glorious light of the sun. Shannon decided to end it, gazing the beauty. He rather thought to work on something which was really on the point.

There was a letter lying beside the wine jar on his table. It was already been read, not once, many times. But it contained the same words every time, "You can always trust me, my Prince. I'll save them for you". Shannon was going to pour himself some wine before giving himself up to sleep. That was when the letter dragged his attention and he forgot about the wine while picking it up. It was cold.

Shannon had friends all around the country and of various personalities. But one could not have his trust in every friend he would make. Trust should be a precious gift which must only be bestowed upon the right man. Eisaan, a man from the south with dark skin like soil had made his acquaintances with Prince Shannon when he was on a secret inspection tour of Sunscape. Lord Bartlett had the best of everything to offer his esteemed guest, the Prince. It was a secret task to get into the treasure house and to gather how much of his gold Lord Bartlett had paid Ser Bennyt as a 'debt', as had been explained in the official  papers. Shannon could not solved this mystery there because he had found no evidence of any written pact between Lord Bartlett and Ser Bennyt or anything relevant to loss of gold. Why had he taken a debt at all from a man who is not even trust-worthy of a tiny creature ?

Edmund Bartlett was a clever oldman, known for building the tallest tower of the country, "The Tower of Fortune" with its walls painted with pure molten gold. Rich Lords never hesitated to throw their wealth into childish investments when it came to the time of showcase. For the Prince, it was aberrant to fathom that Ser Bennyt lent some of his money to even his sister's Lord husband to build that glorious tower. Ser Bennyt would never pay for someone else's glory. If he truly cared about having a tall tower, Queen's Landing or Golden Pearl would have been known for it, damning the Tower of Fortune into austerity.

Eisaan was Prince Shannon's chamberman in those hot days and dry nights. Humble and affable. He spoke in a strange Southern accent, words of which Shannon had failed to comprehend initially. As more and more time was passed with him, Shannon acquired the efficiency of knowing him and his way of things better. It was Eisaan, who escorted him to the Treasure House through a secret tunnel that began from a dry well near the temple. Sneaking out of the fort to the temple, jumping into the well with a heart full of fear and suspicion, passing through the tunnel with the help of a torch and with some moths hovering around its flames, opening the hidden door without any key - just a pin which Eisaan had hidden in his pocket, examining the papers - every thought of that night filled thrill and adventurous reminiscence in Shannon, even in that damp night. For a short-lived moment, he even felt he was in Sunscape and Eisaan would bring sliced watermelon and cold rose water for him in the morning. If it was not for Eisaan, his experience in the South would not have been positive. Who would like to eat dates in every meal of the day?

The gold mystery could not be solved that night. It only gave birth to more questions which were quite difficult to be answered for the spy-lover Prince Shannon. The other day, while they were in the city, Eisaan whispered that people in the kitchen had suspicious discussion on the purity of that tower. As a conclusion, it was insinuated that the painters only used colours that truly resembled gold. Lord Bartlett could never afford it if it was pure gold. Lady Sheryna's old and experienced Lady's maid gossiped that his Lord was sending gold to Ser Bennyt as dowries of his daughters. That was when Shannon confirmed himself that Lord Bartlett was a fraud. He had obvious connection with his wife's cunning brother as he dreamed of having two gallant Eastmen as his daughters' grooms. He was forever grateful to Eisaan, the man with dark skin and a clear heart.

Even though Prince Shannon's faith on the Gods was shaky, they were still on his side. Eisaan was in Queen's Landing now. He studied with the money he had saved while serving under Bartletts and now was known as Master Eisaan.

Late in that night, Shannon had put on a hood and had carried the gift to the gardens, where Eisaan had been waiting to cherish his Prince's wish to keep it as a secret, their secret. He had come into the palace by sailing a boat on the edge of it. The garden fencing was smashed at a point which had became the entrance for him. The Glass Palace was never going to be a place for secrets because of the little spies who ambitiously seized everything they sensed throughout the day. No wonder Ser Bennyt knew almost every story about the palace.

Holding the letter, Shannon walked towards the fireplace. He imaginarily drew the face of Eisaan in his mind and thanked him again for every nobilty he had shown before immolating the paper into the flames. He watched as the fire sizzled and turned the paper into ashes within a few moment.

The fire was idle. The servants had lighted it only because it was a part of their routine and Shannon never had instructed them to put it off or not to light it at all. He let it sizzle and came to sleep. There was no need to drape himself with the sheets. At the beginning, they used to be scented and as the time flew by, scent flew along with it. So did the intent of the servants. In his cotton night robe, Shannon just lay down and stretched his arms and legs. The bed was large enough. The look of the ceiling was strangely different for him. It bathed in the silver moonlight and looked like a rocky ground.

As he closed his eyes, many picture were imprinted on his eyelids. Nene's trial in the court room, Miss Natalie giving her a piece of mind, Darwyn Krufer embarrassingly seeking forgiveness for his words from Nene and many more, even Eisaan's precious letter turning into vain. Shannon felt exhausted and dry. That was when Aerys Sunryder came to his vision. She was never heavy-eyed, always in her grace and elegance. Princess Hennah was no near to be compared with such royal etiquette. Her presence made every odd situation better spontaneously. She was calm and humble. Never had she been like her father. If any other ruler of East was to be the judge of the unfortunate matter, he would have chosen to stick to the Eastmen blood, saving Darwyn Krufer from humiliation by imposing it on Nene. But, Aerys was fair. She kept her ears open for each sides and never rushed to any childish decision in the influence of Ser Bennyt or Lord Krufer or any other man. Her gait was quite similar like his mother, Queen Misae. Of course, they were not be compared because of the gap of a generation between them. Shannon knew it brought all the odds into being.

Shannon wasn't really aware of the event, perhaps no-one truly was. But Lord Krufer seemed quite acquainted with everything. The Queen never tried to look at Ser Bennyt which gave a notion to Shannon that something was wrong between them. Ser Bennyt must have warned her about her guests, to maintain distance and not to get closer. But Aerys must have been deaf to all his words. Shannon never wanted all of these, neither Aerys nor any sort of events in Queen's Landing. If his mother had been aware of Nene's inconvenience, she would have complained to her son. Queen Misae never liked to confront Nene Sebastyn. She was Nene. She had abandoned her title and her family and who knew what perils she could bring if any contact would be made with her. Shannon recalled how his mother had locked up Hennah in her bedchamber and had forbidden her to see Nene after she had visited Hammering Alley. "Nasty woman", his mother had addressed Nene in front of Hennah.

Inside, Shannon felt proud of her. She was such skilled in fighting that Darwyn Krufer, who called himself a gallant young man ran away to hide behind the titles of his father. And Lord Maximilian made quite a strong wall for his son. He might have exaggerated things more than Darwyn and somehow had convinced Ser Bennyt to state this matter to the Queen. Aerys had been patient and calm. She didn't make Shannon feel like he'd be in a trouble even though he knew he was already in trouble. He knew this from the very first day he started riding for the Glasslands. He was in trouble even when he was standing in the Black Forest with his companions. Trouble was nothing new and exceptional for him. He knew one-day these Eastmen would throw their facades away and show him what they really were. But perhaps not all of them, Aerys never seemed to have the blood of her father. On the contrary, Aerys, most surprisingly was the only hope of love, joy and optimism in those days.

Darwyn Krufer hissed like a panicky snake that Nene must beg for his forgiveness. More like he demanded it rather than he asked for it. Lord Krufer did no less. They both kept using curses for Nene, forgetting that they were probably disgracing themselves in front of everyone. Aerys was so terribly annoyed of them that she eyed Ser Bennyt scornfully to silence their ill-mannered tongues. Any man in Queen's Landing would put to be quiet if Ser Bennyt wished and even Lord Krufer was no exception even though he was older than him. Shannon did not understand the necessity of it. His mother would have forgotten all her kindness if anyone on the world would try to harm her son the way Darwyn had been harmed according to the appeal of Lord Krufer.

The bed did not feel comfy enough. And the Prince was nowhere near the sleep. He opened the laces of his robe on his chest-area in order to let go of the warmth. He felt sweaty and wiped his face with his palms. The windows were never shut, but it brought air with moist which made Shannon's skin unwell for him. He pressed the pillow on his face, thinking it could soak in some of the wetness. He was unable to figure out why this night was uncomfortably different than the others. Never had he felt like that in his bedchamber before in that tower. He sought comfort desperately.

Oddly, everytime he desired relief from the discomfort of his thoughts or circumstances, Aerys came alive in it. Just like when in the court room, they had lost all of their hopes of getting supportive judgement from the Eastmen, she spoke with her honeyed voice. Shannon knew his friend, Nene might be brave and fierce and all, but Eastmen would make her bow her stubborn head. The queen sentenced both of the sides to seek forgiveness from each other and see to that it would never occur again. Nene did not waste the first chance to ask it for she knew her image would be better than Darwyn, who was reluctant to accept Aerys's decision. When he began to create a mess of it, Aerys warned, "Ser Darwyn, you must think most carefully. You must choose between the slightest of your pride and the vast meadows of your noble House. But there is another way of it. I would rather insist on choosing peace".

Aerys, however, turned out to pretend that she liked Nene and Shannon, as well as Miss Natalie obviously knew she didn't. Poor Miss Natalie! She was so embarrassed that barely a word came out of her. She looked unconditionally prepared to nod for the humiliation. Penitent, exhausted, perplexed and embarrassed -she was all at once. Her look convinced Shannon that she had taken some of the blame on herself. She, indeed, was the one who had to go through most of the hardship in the Glass Palace. Staying all day long in the company of Grand Mistress Nushio was not an act of ease. Praying was fine, but didn't the Gods ever got weary of all her prayers? What did she really pray for? Welfare or a long life ? Well, she had already lived a long life than many others, the Grand Mistress. 

An uneasy Shannon sat well awake on his bed and pressed his left palm against his forhead. He was getting warmer and warmer, his skin sticky and sweaty. The chamber proved itself unbearable for him, and he got off his bed with a thud. As the night descended into more and more darkness, Shannon awfully sought the air in the gardens, the one filled with fragrance and the one that sucked the face dreadfully while strolling through the green.

Shannon cautiously opened the strong iron door of his bedchamber, making sure he did not let the metal clink. It was perhaps in the fear of the little spies and certainly, not to bother anyone's sleep. He took a step out of his chamber only to find a man leaning against the wall and his sight absentmindedly glued to the floor.

"Mason!", Shannon exclaimed.

Mason raised his head like a sick lad. He took a look of his friend and then turned back to the floor. It was hard to solve this piece of puzzle.

"What are you doing here?", Shannon asked calmly.

"Thinking", Mason replied. His voice was flat.

"In the middle of the night? Outside my chamber?"

"Is that inconvenient?"

"Inconvenient? No. Uncommon? Very"

Mason straightened him up and nodded like one would nod to a Prince. "I didn't mean to bother your sleep", he said and turned around as if he were to leave. But he stayed. Shannon knew he would stay. It was the customary way of drawing attention of someone to himself and, the Prince was well accustomed to it.

"Wait!", Shannon said and took steps towards him. He put a hand on Mason's shoulder. "This damn weather is not letting me sleep anyway. I feel like you should stay for a while. How long have you been standing here all alone? You should have knocked. You know I wouldn't mind. And how long were you planning to stay here like this?"

"Probably till I fell asleep", Mason's voice now suggested gloom. "Where are you heading to?"

"I thought the garden would make me feel better than this warm chamber", said Shannon humbly. "Will you join me?"

Abruptly Mason seized him with his hands desperately. It was an embrace. A strong and affectionate one. He pressed his face on Shannon's shoulder and tightened his grip in such a way that he found himself bound to hug him. It was not out of unwillingness and compulsion. Shannon, like any good friend in the world, loved to embrace his friends.

"I'm sorry", Mason muttered to Shannon's night robe. But he never stopped repeating it.

"Why are you sorry, dear?"

"I'm sorry because I am a coward"

Mason was on the verge of shedding tears. The Prince felt terribly sorry for him. He let go of the embrace and held his friend's arms.

"Tell me everything, Mason"

Mason seemed a bit intoxicated. Both by wine and self-pity. It was not new. Shannon always perceived the fact that Mason was sensitive. Sentiment often led people to cowardice and cowardice to self-pity. He believed there could be nothing worse about a good person than self-pity.

"It was a horrid day", said Mason. "Everything went wrong. I should have stopped her before the breakfast. I had my chance and I lost it with my eyes open, even when I saw her rehearsing that dance. Worse, when she fought with those men, I chose to hide behind a rock and watch her dying in front of me. She could have been dead, Shannon and I wouldn't forgive myself for it. When Miss Natalie bashed her, I felt the words shifting their direction towards me. I failed her too. She'd warned me about Nene before and had told me to fetch her back. But when I failed, she said nothing to me. I am hopeless".

"You're too hard on yourself", Shannon tried to ease his distraught thoughts. "I am afraid delating this unfortunate matter to yourself wouldn't help it. Whatever Nene did and Miss Natalie said is know gone and you can't fix it, can you? I don't see a point on hanging on with it. The matter is solved now because of Queen Aerys's kindness and it'd be best to put an end to your thoughts about this".

Mason shook his head with disagreement.

"Can't you see?", he said. "I feel ashamed to initiate a conversation with Nene. She must be disappointed with me. I let her remain helpless. I can't bear to look at her now". He tried to hid his face with his palms, his voice grew pitiful.

"There's more to it", Mason started again. "I should have gone alone. But rather I preferred the company of my chamberman, Matt. He had no part in this matter. Not even as a witness". His breath became heavy and audible.


"I only took him along as a gratitude for his generous service and, now I let them impeach him. He said he could be sacked tomorrow for the slightest of his association with us. I snatched his bread and now he'd be starving on the streets. He would face humiliation, starvation and all the horrible things and no-one is to be blamed, but me". Shannon sensed him being remorseful.

"Darwyn Krufer! I mistook him as a dear man. I was foolish. He is regardlessly an Eastman after all who provoked Nene into the fight. If she only knew about self-control". Mason's eyes got watery as he stated his decieved thoughts about that snob.

Shannon couldn't take it any longer as it felt pretty enough for him. He lifted up Mason's chin and made him look at him. 

"Mason!", he said. "What were you thinking? Darwyn Krufer or any man here could barely be our friend. But you mustn't let him get your mind. Whatever happened there was solely Nene's deed. Neither yours nor your chamberman's. Blaming yourself wouldn't get you out of this. If he'd get sacked, you can help him. You have coins, don't you?"

"I do"

"Miss Natalie didn't put you on the stakes, yes. It is not because you are hopeless, but because you were not to be held responsible".

"Did she really?"

"So do I think"

For a moment, Shannon was glad to see Mason's gloom fading into a spark of relief in his eyes. Lit torches on the walls made him shimmer with shades of red and gold. He let go of him now. But then, the perplexity returned to Mason's muzzy face.

"What about Nene?", Mason asked lowering his head. "It doesn't seem you gave me a settlement for that".

"What do you want to do?"

"I want to give her an apology"

Shannon flashed a smile. "I don't think that'd be necessary", he said. "You may think her as a hard nut to crack, but I am the most fortunate to know that she doesn't need to be cracked at all. She is quite open for those who have insight. She never accepts apologies and never offers one either. Her way is believing what's on the inside because words could decieve the insights of a man. But even so, if an apology is what your peace desires, I am not going to prevent it".

Mason seemed moved with his words as he smiled back. "Thank you", he expressed his gratitude.

"But Mason", said Shannon like more like an advice than a warning. "One does not need to be a hero. He needs to be himself. Only in that way, you can be a hero. Promise me you will not shower more self-pity on you. My granny believes excessity of it could be harmful for us".

"But I am a knight, Shannon", Mason said as if he was defending himself. He did not wish to face the truth. "I am regarded as a brave man while in the harsh actuality, I am not. I am not a brave man". He put himself to silence.

"You're only a knight, because your father made you entitled with it", the Prince said. "You do not have to try and fulfill your entitlement. It is your father's desire, not yours. You're a good man and I am ever so glad you're my friend".

"You deliver me the most soothing sense", Mason said humbly.

"Yes, but one should always learn not to get carried away by the soothing sense", a sweet voice they heard from behind.

Shannon stood stunned for he was unconcerned about the presence of a third person.

"Miss Natalie!", Mason sounded startled as her footsteps grew closer and closer. She had worn her red shawl as a hood and was in her night gown. A courting candle was in her right hand which guided her way up to the stairs. Shannon indeed was surprised to see her.

"Mason, do you wish to skip the breakfast tomorrow again?", she asked him.

"Certainly not, Miss Natalie".

"Why are your feet still on the ground then?"

Mason was going to say something. But Miss Natalie silenced him. "No, I can't hear you making up your excuses now. You must learn to plan how to deal with sudden confrontations before you face them. You look appalling, dear. Go now".

When Mason nodded with both agreement and gratitude before preparing himself to take his leave, she stopped him. "Actually, I think you could consider staying a while longer", said she in a strange tone. "I rather have a solitary matter of emphasis which is incidental to the concerns of our beloved Prince. You adore secrecy, don't you, my Prince?"

Never had Shannon thought she would be here for such a cause and would strike him with a query like that. He found himself in the most precipitate of the situations as he stood voiceless for the moment.

"My prince, are you able to comprehend my words?", she urged him to answer.

"Yes, Miss Natalie", he said mumbling.

 She opened the door and pulled Shannon into the chamber as Mason followed them in and stood clueless of the matter.

When they were inside the chamber, Miss Natalie held Shannon against the wall and her suspicious eyes roamed around as if she was assuring that no-one was there to listen. But it seemed she was in search of something from the look on her perturbed face.

"Where is it?", she asked roughly, like a strong whisper.

"What?", Shannon was terrified of her voice.

"The gift!"

That was when he acquired the cause of her arrival in the late hours. Someone had leaked it into her ears and she kept hiding it the entire day.

"I ask you, my Prince", she was getting impatient. "Where have you hidden the gift that Aerys Sunryder gave you and you accepted it foolishly".

"It's there", Shannon said promptly. "If you would let me, please, I'll show it to you".

Natalie cleared the way and freed him from the complusion. "Fetch it", she said like an order.

As he took steps towards the table, Shannon felt he was going wrong. But there was no other way. Either the reveal of the truth or fooling them with an unreal story to avoid it.

"Is that how you always walk, my Prince?", Miss Natalie asked from behind.

Shannon showed it in front of them. A golden hound! As big as a man's palm. It wore a green ruby chain about its neck. Roses and leaves were inscribed on its old body. On examining Miss Natalie and Mason's faces, it didn't seem like they were feeling decieved. Mason was amazed at the quality of it even though it was no extraordinary. Miss Natalie carefully inspected the idol and tried to scratch the skin to prove if it was real gold. She was not a jeweler, but she seemed to know such art.

Miss Natalie sighed with relief and asked, "Is that it?"

"It is"

Miss Natalie then grew calm and concerned. She became the same old Miss that Shannon had known for years. Elegant, humble and patient.

"You should get into your bed, my Prince", she said. "We'll be off then". Shannon could not believe he fooled her as she left the chamber with Mason. He was utterly incapable of finding one feeble hint of suspicion out of her. It was easier than he had thought. No explanation, no advices, nothing! 

Shannon always had a proclivity for Miss Natalie's words of wisdom and she often proved herself true. Mason was perhaps not as good as him to follow her principles. But Shannon was. 

 "One should always learn to plan how to deal with sudden confrontations before facing it".


  1. Location :
    The Glass Palace, Queen's Landing, The Glasslands

    Characters Appeared :
    Shannon Nohara (POV)
    Mason Forrester
    Natalie Aymen

    Characters Mentioned :

    Ser Darwyn Krufer
    Nene Sebastyn
    Aerys Sunryder
    Lord Maximilian Krufer
    Ser Bennyt Sunspear
    Master Eisaan
    Princess Hennah Nohara
    Queen Misae Rosewtacher
    Lady Isabelle Sunspear
    Lord Garlan Moonhills
    Lady Catherine Moonhills
    King Hoseyn Sunryder
    Lord Edmund Bartlett
    Lady Sheryna Bartlett
    Grand Mistress Nushio
    Lady Selyna Nohara (Shannon's Granny)


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