Days had been cloudy and unfriendly for her. Her nights were vigilant and jittery. Every night she would stand by the window and watch the stars. She would imagine familiar faces by joining them, lost in her rigid memories and the certain firm desire to live the memories again. Her father, mother and brothers - they would be smiling upon her from the sky. Ofttimes the comfy bed would feel hard and she would start kicking the sheets in fret. She had not slept the way she used to sleep in the Palace of Venk, not since she had escaped her home and had left her loved ones. Alphaville was not her home, it was her shelter. Shelter could never provide the comfort and relief.

   Perhaps, it was the unpleasant reaction of the Bitter Queen which didn't seem appropriate when Dorey had confessed her reason of arrival at the feast hall. She was dizzy by the excessive amount of wine she had drunk. The Queen did not say a word about the war, they kept talking about Lords and Ladies and more specifically about Lady Selyna. The Queen did not say a good word for her mother in law. Dorey did not like the impression she had got after the conversation she had had with the Queen. "Bitter", she had persuaded herself many times that night. She never even tried to talk to her after the feast. 

   But this day, the sun rose with some power that unleashed Dorey's lost intentions and wishes for which she stepped outside of her lavish chamber. She asked to her new handmaiden, Cassara about things that she might find amusing. She was informed that the King had arrived with wounded men and something horrible had taken place during the hunt. Back in her home, healing lessons and potions had always fancied her. She wanted to ask for permission from the Headmistress so that she could see the wounds and try to utilize her earned lessons on real bodies. "Cassara ! How would you describe Miss Meera ?", she asked the maid.

   "Old maybe she, but a very wise woman, m'lady. She has been loyal and I believe she's too kind", Cassara answered doing Dorey's braids.

   "Will she let me do some healing of the men ?", Dorey said looking herself in the mirror. "I wish to do something more than sleeping and eating, being locked up in my chamber". Her green eyes had a spark and her fragrance was lilac's. She was looking like a noble Lady after a long time in the mirror. Cassara had brushed her hair until it shone.

  "She can have you do it only if you have proper skills, m'lady. Have you done it before ? The blood and flesh sacre me sometimes", the maid said humbly. 

   Dorey realised she had never done anything like that with men, but once she had healed a pigeon, which suddenly fell down in the garden while it was flying fearlessly. Dorey took it to her chamber and did everything she could do to save its life. A mere girl of twelve could not have that much courage to heal a wounded bird. However after all the efforts, she felt pity for the bird and for herself when it died for ever three days later. Perhaps she killed a pigeon with her unworthy immature skills of healing. Perhaps she used the wrong healing potion. Whatever the thing was, Dorey did not let her maid throw it like a lifeless stone. She kept weeping and stole the dead bird in her leisure and vanished. Nobody could find her until the dinner. She confessed to her father that she buried the bird with proper manners, the way men were buried when they died. A flash of smile appeared when she recalled this event from her earlier years.

   A knock was heard on her door. "My Lady! I'm Dean.   Brought you a shawl", a voice followed the knock. Cassara called him in after her Lady's approval. The lad came in with a light silk shawl. The fabric was fine, one could say it by only looking at the mustard of its colour. Dorey was fond of yellow. It pleased her at her first glance. "Thank you, Dean", she said with a blink. "It will go fine with my golden gown." She was ready for the day after Cassara finished her hair. As she said, the clothes were looking fierce together. Sunlight embraced her when she came outside. She was hoping to see Miss Meera. She did not know which path would take her to the mistress. 

  She sat in the garden to break her fast with some good companions. The Council members were delighted to dine with Lady Yoshinaga. Fresh pomegranate juice were being served with white cheesecakes and egg whites. Lady Jahana Aquador sat next to her, a Lady from Blue Maritan. She had dark black hair with silver threads in it. Her eyes were purple, skin pale and face a bit wrinkled. She might be a woman aged same to Dorey's mother. The post of Venkish Representative had been hers since a decade and she looked exhausted from it. There were two more people at the table. A mistress named Emily, much younger than Miss Meera. She sat there in her long black clothing, she was from Venkai as well. Silver haired Doryann Aquador, eldest son of Lady Jahana was the only man in the garden. He was forced to have his breakfast with them as they shared the same lands from which Dorey belonged.

     Aquadors were different people. No one could be certain about their interests and intentions. They stayed silent most of the time. They did not see themselves as different, but they knew they had been different for the country. They did not fancy the Gods of Dorey. Water was their God. Dorey had spent her childhood listening to stories from her mother about the God of Ocean. Their ancestors were the most dangerous and barbaric people of the country, the then fear for every single soul trying to cross the Black Forest. But Aquadors were calm and peace-loving. Dorey had never seen any chaos caused by them. They were high of honor in spite of the monstrous tales of their ancestors.

   "Sweet Lady !", Lady Jahana said to Dorey courteously. "It is so good of you to break your fast with us. I had been looking forward to spend some quality time with you. After all, we are like family. Venkai is our home. I'm terrified of the news you brought."

   "Yes", Emily said after her. "Venkai is our home. I miss those days when there used to be lemon cakes..."

   "Miss Emily, I'm sure we all miss our home", Lady Jahana interrupted the mistress. "But as for now, it'd be better if Lady Dorey doesn't recall those memorable days. She needs to be strong. We all need to be strong". She took a slice of cheesecake, with an unpleasant expression. "They never make improvements. No matter howmany times we tell them to improve the food services, they only make us realise we are wishing for the sun in the North", her speech expressed her disappointment. But she rather sounded like she was used to it.

   Dorey did not let a word come out of her mouth. Instead she tasted the food without apprehension. She had been ignoring the taste of the food she had been given to eat for days. Therefore Lady Jahana's complaint seemed unreasonable. The juice was fresh and a bit sour. "Improvements are hard to make. And people here are always searching for unpretentious ways", she said in order to show agreement to Lady Jahana.

   "My Lady, this is my son, Doryann", Lady Jahana said appointing the silver haired man. "He is very quiet and quiet people are very thoughtful. He is here only to take his knighthood from the King. Besides why would anyone come to this ghastly capital ?".

    Dorayann smiled with contentment. "It's a pleasure meeting you again, my Lady", he said. Dorey had seen him several times in Venkai, when Lord Aquador would come to the Palace of Venk for tourneys and formal matters. She used to be started to see someone with purple eyes and silver hair. Three of the Aquador siblings would play with the Yoshinaga siblings. Those were golden days with grey memories. She answered with a nod as she had no words for him.

  "How are you spending your day, my Lady ?", Doryann asked. "We could visit some places around, if you have nothing planned for yet. There is a stream nearby in the Kingswood. The scenery is eye-catching. Not enough peaceful to get rid of our troubles, but I believe it would help". Dorey saw everyone's eyes waiting for an answer from her.

   "Pardon me, but I'm looking forward to meet the Headmistress", she answered with a generous smile. "I have something to discuss, but I don't think she has  time for it. I've hardly seen of her since my arrival". Spending time in the nature was not her liking.

    "Yes, she hardly leaves her Queen's side", Lady Jahana said with a scoff. "She keeps walking behind the Queen like her handmaiden. And not to be amazed, the Bitter Queen treats her exactly like that. Being a mistress is an honor, not a burden. We never treat our mistresses like slaves, do we, Miss Emily ?"

   "No, my Lady", Emily said calmly just like a slave.

    "I insist never mention it anywhere else, especially in front of an old woman wearing black. They are not mistresses, they are spies", Lady Jahana mocked.

    Everyone shared laughter except the young mistress. She might have found it quite offensive as she was high of honor, performing her duties. And to show her nobility, she stood up. All the laughter vanished into silence as the eyes were drawn towards Emily. "Well, my Lady", she said eyeing Dorey, as if she was trying to  defend herself form the charges Lady Jahana had mockingly accused her of. "Not everyone is greedy for some vain private affairs. I am a Mistress and I do not spy for the Queen. I've devoted my honor to serve the Aquadors of Venkai. My loyalty always stands there, in the name of Aquadieu, the almighty. Lady Yoshinaga ! You've wished to meet the Headmistress and that means I must make this happen. Certainly, she's too occupied to meet people, but she never refuses to meet us. Your will must be preserved as the Queen had left to meet a priest and Miss Meera may have some leisurely moments. Now, if you please pardon me, I shall leave".

   Emily's grey eyes had an aura, a kind of affinity, that Dorey never received from the sweet-talk of Doryann and Jahana. Emily truly belonged to Venkai, her home. "Let me escort you, Miss Emily", Doryann said wiping his mouth with a serviette. "Besides I have to see the King. The more I stay in this noxious city, the more I disgust myself". He eyed Dorey and bowed. Soon, there were only two ladies in the royal garden.

    "Miss Emily is uncommonly good at stealing words from my mouth", Lady Jahana said smiling. "If she says that something is about to happen, nothing can stop it to happen. Very true to her words, that's what a Lady should should be". She took the last sip from the glass and asked for Dorey's hand. They walked through the garden to the bailey.

   "May I ask which vital discussion is taking you to the Headmistress, whom I shall never visit for any occasion ?", asked Lady Aquador. "Because every little child is well aware of her honesty. Never try to share anything personal to her. Speaking to the Headmistress is as same as speaking to the Queen".

   "I hardly think anything can be personal here, in the capital", said Dorey. "I just wanted to use my skills of healing. I've seen men with some mysterious wounds. Perhaps I can heal them".

   "Ah ! Such a noble thought. You're just like your father. I pray for him and the rest of your family. I saw you at the feast. The Queen was late and still she walked in with all the grace and glamour. She never looks around her, what people think of her. Her eyesight and senses are always straight forward, but her heart likes to swing".

  "She disappointed me. We didn't talk about home. She's very cold".

  "And bitter"

     Dorey nodded with consent. 

    "Don't be frightened, my dear", Lady Jahana told her. "Now that the King is here, our matters will be confered. I don't believe in the Queen's council, but I do believe in the King's court".

   "I should have a talk with the King as well"

  "Yes, you should"

    They stopped in front of Lady Aquador's chamber. Dorey looked at her with ease. "Thank you, Lady Aquador", sais she. "It's good to see people from home in this strange place".

     The old woman embraced her with warmth. Dorey felt like she's in her mother's arms. After a moment, she kissed on Dorey's forehead and said, "Anything you need, just remember us. We owe your father so much. We shall have dinner someday, shan't we ?"

     "Yes, we shall"

    In the afternoon, she wandered around the keep with Cassara and Dean. For a moment, she even felt stupid that she had refused the company of Doryann Aquador. The trees, the birds, the winds and the flow of water would have given her pleasure more than thousand times than these quiet walls. Emily did keep her word. Dorey happened to meet Miss Meera in the evening before the dinner and somehow persuaded the old mistress to do the healing with some other mistresses. It was disturbing that no-one had paid distinct attention to the men. Miss Meera taught her about some potions and the correct way of healing. Dorey carefully listened to her and came to know some new things. She took a book from the library about the matter and read it until she fell asleep. That night, she did not find enough stars to create faces. The clouds had showed up again to hide the moon and the stars.

  Night had not faded when her sleep was over and her enthusiasm was on. The hall of remedy was still and unlighted when she entered with some mistresses. They lit candles and prepared beds for the men. One by one, men came and went after healing. Dorey did not fail. She held the needle and the thread like the real healers. Her hair was covered in a hood just like the other mistresses there. Master Janeb would have been impressed with her first-time skills. A man came with a gloomy face, brown large eyes, having a gallant look. As he laid on the wooden cot, he seemed scared. Dorey put the needle in hot water. After washing the wounded area, she picked up a potion and applied it with cotton on his wound. His left hand was ghastly injured. The blood had dried up on the surface of the cut. The bear's bite-mark was clearly visible to Dorey. The man made a face when the potion wet the wound. He was hurting. Potion drops became as red as blood. It was time for the thread and needle. The man cried out on looking at the sharp tool, "No ! Give me some milk of poppy. I can't see this, m'Lady".

    The poppy milk had not been in use yet. Dorey looked at the man. He was suffering from pain, that he was barely showing up. He was afraid. "What is your name ?"


    "Neil", said Dorey finding the poppy milk in her potions-case. "You seem like one fine soldier. Brave and strong. Why would you need the poppy milk ?"

    "I'm not a soldier, m'Lady", said Neil panicking. "I'm just a squire".

    Dorrey had no idea that he was not a soldier. She found the poppy. But she wanted Neil to feel stronger. "There's always a soldier hidden in every man", said she. "You might not have faced it yet. But this is the time you should meet your strongest side. Let yourself feel the pain. Scream if you wish to. Let your bravery empower over your fear".

   "I beg your pardon, my Lady", he was about to cry. "Please give it to me".

    "What is relief if you're not suffering ?", Dorey said to him with a hope that he would let go of his fear.

   "I don't understand, m'Lady", the man cried.

   Disillusion filled Dorey's heart when her effort went in vain. Neil was too stubborn to listen. Everyone was staring him with disgusted look.

   "Give it to him already", a voice was heard across the open door. A shadow appeared in the dim light of the hall. It was a woman. Dorey guessed by looking at the figure and the hair. Musae Rosewatcher came closer and revealed her face in the candlelight. "You're wasting time", she said. "He is coward. Your motivation will help only to demotivate him. Poppy milk is the convenient thing for him. Just give it and move on".

    "Thank you, m'Lady", Neil said in relief.

     "I'm no lady, squire", said Musae indignantly. "Just lay there quietly and get your bloody treatment".

     Dorey gave him the potion. He drank it and lost his senses. She picked up the needle and started her work while Musae sat near her looking at the way she was doing it. Her staring made Dorey nervous and she feared if she would poke in somewhere else and the man could lose his life. Blood covered her hand and she wanted Musae to speak something for the silence was making her more afraid. But she did not. Musae sat quietly and her eyes were sticked to Dorey's work, making her uncomfortable. "I thought I would be able to kick out his fear", Dorey said finally, cautiously threading Neil's torn skin. "I was wrong. He took the poppy anyhow".

    "It's not his fault", said Musae. "Some people are always coward".

    Dorey agreed. Musae put an end to this conversation too easily. It was nearly impossible to find reasons of Musae's arrival in the hall of remedy. There had been no talk about the Queen's sister in the castle. It was like a mystery to everyone. Keeping all the distractions aside in her mind,  Dorey focused on the healing. "This looks like a bloody horrible thing", said Musae. "Where have you learnt it from ?"

    "Men may have a proclivity for bloodshed and violence", Dorey replied. "But I enjoy healing them. And yes, violence is boring"

    "My brother says sword fighting is amusing. They find joy when enemies are all red in blood and pain", the Young Rose disagreed.

   Dorey knew not much about Musae's brother. She washed the needle and looked at Musae. She was wearing silk, a fancy pink gown, red roses embroidered on it. Her auburn hair was sparkling in the candlelight and blue eyes were filled with eagerness. "Have you ever killed anyone, Lady Rosewatcher ?", Dorey asked.

    "No, I haven't", answered Musae. "I have seen men fighting, but never got a chance to see some brutality in the fighting field".

    "Then how could you say it is enjoyable ?", explained Dorey calmly. "Experience is always important when you play the game of blood and sword. Not every man can swing a sword and cut his opponents. Years and years of training, hard work and determination strengthen a man to become a good knight".

    "Are you experienced in this, my Lady ?", Musae asked with a sparkle in her eyes which seemed like vying. Rosewatchers were the richest people and she was the Queen's sister. She was on the superior side, which Dorey had to respect with friendly behaviour. Musae might be bitter like her sister,  but at least she opened her mouth even for some unreasonable bold talk. Young Rose was not so friendly, yet some positive vibes came from her as if she was into the talk.

    "I know I don't have any experience in this thing", Dorey answered washing her hands. The water turned red as soon as she put her hands into it. The blood was a bit warm and the water felt cold. "Well, I was taught about all these healing methods when I was in my age of learning", she said wiping her hands with a piece of clothing. "Our Mistresses had taught me everything and I too had a great interest in this. And last evening, the Headmistress herself showed me some new skills. You don't look away from it, just hold the needle and get on it. Some people get really scared by these, but a healer shouldn't be one of those. Fear comes when you commit a crime, something against the regulations. This is saving a life, curing someone even mentally. You try doing this and imagine fighting in a pit. Pleasure will come to you by itself. Giving someone a new life is thousand times better than taking one".

   Musae gave an appreciative look after her explanation. Nobody had appreciated her like that since she had been in the capital, Dorey realised. "You should have been a Mistress then", said Musae as a suggestion. "At least then you wouldn't have to marry some stranger Lord and sit by his side like you mean nothing. Being a Lady is exhausting".
   Lord Yoshinaga had offered his daughter to get the training to be a Mistress. Dorey loved her home so much that she never had thought of going to Queen's Landing only for a title. She was a Lady, that was her title. She didn't have to become a Mistress and wear black, the colour of mourning. She looked around her for a moment, at the women wearing grey and black. They were all engaged in their work, not paying attention to Lady Rosewatcher. Dorey felt proud when she looked back at her table and Neil. She did not have any training like those women, she was not wearing dark dull clothes either. Yet she was there standing in the hall of remedy,  doing the exact same thing in her favorite Yellow clothing. "My father did offer me to get a title of Mistress", she said remembering her father. "Queen's Landing might be a big and beautiful city, full of joy. But I don't belong there. My place is Venkai, with my family. So I refused after pondering on this for a long sleepless night. And here I am, standing in presence of these Mistresses, healing men with more honor and reputation. Why should have I chosen to be one of them, throwing wealth in vain ?"
    Musae took a deep breath. "Your father is a famous honorable man", she said. "It's hard to find people speaking ill about him. Well, so is my father. In spite of these well earned titles and reputation, there are odds that I can see. Fathers are the true kings for ladies like myself. We must do what they determine us for. And just like Kings, there are kind fathers with a graceful heart, who offer their children to do what they wish to do". She paused for a moment, gloomily. As if she was not wishing to keep speaking, but her lips would not stop. "And there are fathers like Lord Rosewatcher, who think they're the masters of their children and have successfully accomplished their overbearing will. Or why else my sister would be ruling the country today ?", she stopped with gratification.

    Dorey had seen bad fathers everywhere. It was always easy to find such fathers. The butchers, the farmers, the blacksmiths, the fishermen, the wine merchants - most of them were masters of their children. And their fathers must have been their masters as well. There was nothing that could be done for them, perhaps. Because fate is everyone's master. But it was perhaps impossible to find children who hate their fathers. They might be angry, pressed against their desires, but fathers were fathers and nothing on earth could change that. "Do you hate your father ?", she asked eagerly. It would be a spectacle if Musae agreed.

    "I ran away because I didn't want to hate him", Musae answered. "He might be angry and blind of affection. But he's my father. He's the reason I'm breathing today. I can't hate him. But neither can I do things he orders me to do. That's not me".

     The answer was convincing enough, but Musae sounded terribly confused. "What do you want ?", Dorey asked her. 

    "Whatever I want", it was her answer with a smile.

    "Pardon me, Ladies", a manly voice was heard.

     Musae stood up as she was about to leave. "That's Ser Arthur, Lord Commander of the City-Watch", said she. "I was supposed to be in my chamber, hidden. My sister worries too much".

    'Does she ?', Dorey thought. She tried to take a glimpse of the man. He was tall, shining in his golden armour and a long sword was hanging in its hilt. His face was not much visible in the candlelight. His voice was strong and pleasant. Everyone was trying to see him, but he was only closed to Dorey. And she could be the only one who might see him more clearly than anyone else in the hall.

   "I must leave now, my Lady", Musae said. "I hope our paths will cross again. I'll be glad to spend some time with you in such boredom. We both know how it feels to stay inside the chambers, doing nothing. We could be friends."

     Dorey was looking into Musae's eyes if she could be her friend. She was the Queen's sister with a not-so-dignified story. She was not that kind of person whom Dorey would admire, but she was interesting. Hence, she nodded with the smile of consent.

     Arthur and Musae left the hall and Dorey was filled with thrill. Besides the potions, she had got herself a new friend from a noble house. The capital was not really like the way she used to think while she had locked herself in her chamber. All she had to do was to let herself meet with the new people.

   She was ready to meet the new day as the sun rose with its golden rays.




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