Misae Rosewatcher did not know what she should express on her face, her sister was widowed. Her council had had a great loss. Roselands was mourning for Lord Garlan Moonhills. Her niece and nephew !What would those innocent children be going through ? How Shannon would be dealing with strangers in the Glass Palace ?All these thoughts kept her distraught. Somehow she had sent her inprudent daughter to Mistress Meera so that she could teach her some decency. This gave her a kind of relief. The King had returned to the capital along with his wounded and weary men after the hunt. She did not care about those men, about their wounds or about the cause. She was glad that her husband was safe.

    Ser Rickard appeared on her way. "Your Grace", he bowed to show respect. "Ser Rickard ! What is your king busy with?", she asked.

   "The new representative will be joining us soon. Lady Katrina Florence ! I'm sure Lady Moonhills has written to you about her", Rickard answered.

   "She has. House Florence is a small House. A Florence had squired for my father once. I don't remember his name",said Misae with mockery.

   Rickard ignored this. He knew that his Queen would always find joy in mocking others. "His grace is working on some papers. But I'm sure he would like to have a talk with you. He has a quite shocking news to tell if you ask him", he said.

    "Good. Looks like we're having a fair number of shocking news now a days. We need to be careful, even the Kingsguard should be careful. Days are going to be harder", Misae said looking at the Lord Commander. "Make sure that every man is being well fed and getting treatment. These wounds may leave scars, but no pain", she added and started walking again.

    Misae did not understand what the shocking thing would be. 'It must be something that happened in the woods. I don't care about the hunt', she thought. She pushed the door and came in. Harron was busy with his papers. Misae slammed the door so that the King would be aware of her presence. Harron did not make any moves and started writing something. "Welcome !", he said not looking at Misae.

    "Perhaps I'm the one who should weclcome you", she said coming close to the table. "Why did it take you so long to return ?"

    The king did not stop writing. He put the quill in the ink pot and said, "A bear and the wine". Misae tried to read what he was writing if it was so important that he's unwilling to talk to her. "Lady Florence ! Another stranger in our home. She's arriving soon", she said after reading about the new representative.

    Harron said,"I hope she's good enough to handle the things the way Lord Garlan used to handle. He was a good man". Misae did not like his calmness. She wanted attention, she had matters to discuss. "You doubt women, don't you ? But I can assure you that women are far more concerned about their family and duties than you men are", she sounded quite rude. Harron stopped for a moment and looked at her. She was the same Misae. Those shining golden curls stretching to her waist, the same vigor in her  bright blue eyes, the same aura coming from her radiant face and the same cheek bones. She has not changed at all.

     "Yes, they are well aware of everything. It's just that they don't act wisely. And when they act, it's too late for them. Because they are not as wise as they think they are", said Harron looking at his stubborn wife. Then he started writing again and added, "And I certainly don't doubt only women".

     Misae knew how her husband was too obsessed with papers. "Yes, you certainly never doubt your mother",she said. She did not like the bond Harron had with her mother-in-law. Harron would do anything Lady Selyna would tell him to do. She never wanted to stay in the presence of Harron's mother.

     "My mother is witty and full of spirit. She knows when her wise concern needs to transform into wise act", Harron said while writing. Misae couldn't stand Lady Selyna's praise. She snatched the quill out of Harron's hand and broke it into two pieces. "Stop writing and listen to me, Harron", she was serious.

    Harron started staring at her as if he was eagerly waiting to hear her complaints. Misae felt uncomfortable and said, "Stop staring as well. We have difficult days ahead. Venkai is in the hands of some outsiders. Lady Dorey is...."

    "Good concern", Harron interrupted "But Everyone in our Kingdom is well aware of that news". He took another quill and started writing again.

    "Any news from Queen's Landing  ?", Misae asked worriedly.

    "Miss Natalie has sent her words today in the dawn. They are safe. The Sunryders are treating them with courtesies. We have nothing to fear for them", Harron informed Misae, busy in writing.

     "She truly is a gem. I like her better than Miss Edeline. However I'm not sure how loyal her father is. Lord Winston has a way too much sharp eye on our coins. Not that he can ever think of stealing",she said while she seated herself on a chair near the table.

    She did it again with the quill. And this time threw it away from Harron's reach. This time she was quite a bit angry. Her eyes were filled with fire. "Stop writing this instant or I'll make sure that you and your useless pieces of papers will get a nice ink bath", she warned Harron, strongly gripping his hand. Looking deep into Harron's eyes, her blue eyes realized that he was angry too with her behaviour. They kept looking at each other for moments. And the staring session ended with Harron's laugh.

     "The bitter queen, they say", Harron scoffed "You truly are bitter. Sometimes I wonder if I know you the least. Shannon, Hennah, father, mother and everyone else know you better than me. It's hard to understand what goes inside a woman's unstable mind and heart. You can never stay in a constant emotional state, can you ?"

     'Bitter Queen' was not a derision for her. Catherine had always told her to take people's words with honor. Someone earns such titles only when people are influenced by actions, wits and appearance. Although she had never heard anyone calling her that or anyone talking about her cheekbones, but she was aware of all those things thact happened in Alphaville, outside the walls of Sun Palace. 

     A letter from Catherine had arrived in the hands of Ser Dondarius Lesly, her sister's loyal and faithful guard. Only three people in the country knew what had been written in it. Misae trusted everyone who was concerned about the warning written in the letter. Mistress Meera would never give a single hint to anybody who wanted to know things that were private for the Royal Family. She had been loymal and trustworthy for decades. Ser Dondarius especially had told the Bitter Queen to burn the letter so that it could never be read again.

     "Dear Sister,

    With a heavy heart, I must write to you about my widowhood. Your dear brother-in-law is no more. You must have read the official letter I had sent to the council. But this one, my dear, I want you to be more careful. There are enemies everywhere. And one of them had murdered my husband for some genuine reason. Misae ! You are the most powerful member of our family and I want you to be responsible. House Rosewatcher is in danger and so is its future. You have to protect what's left of our family. Protect Musae, make her understand that father wants her safety and well-being, if you find her. We must protect ourselves in these tragic days. If you find yourself in trouble, remember our words 'Spreading glory and honor'

                          Your loving sister, Catherine"

      Misae was quite anxious about this assassination. She was amazed to know that Catherine Moonhills was not aware of Musae's presence in the capital. Soon, she would be receiving another letter with a stamped rose in wax, demanding Musae back at High Flora, unless she'd forbid everyone to send information about the Young Rose. She bit her lips and looked at her wedding ring. Looking back at her husband with a serious expression, she said, "Harron ! Shannon should return as soon as he can, Old Father warned me about him the other day. Write him to return,  we are not getting any help there. We should start gathering our forces. After all every lord has vowed to join our cause in every battle we fight. I fear his life is precious and they will...." She couldn't say it, her throat didn't let her say it.

    "Misae ! What else do you want ?", Harry asked staring at her.

    "I want us safe, away from all these miserable matters. Only us", her voice echoed inside the chamber. Misae's voice was always tender. Even her shout was tender but horrible enough. That would be when she would be annoyed.

   Harron looked at her face admirably. "A beautiful dream, Misae. But once we enter the world of chaos, it only ends with our lives", he said to console her, lowering his face.

  "Harry ! We are in miseries, together. The Venkish Princess warned me about the large war fleet. It'll be a great battle. My sister has abandoned our family and has made it certain to humiliate me in front of the whole country including father. My son is breathing our enemies' air, eating their food, drinking their wine and risking his precious life for your people. And my daughter ! She's turning into devil with that dog. She keeps running behind it everywhere, devastating everything that comes in her way, talking like a wild peasant girl. Tell me my King ! How do you think this is going to end ?", Misae gasped for breath putting her hand on her throat.

    "Calm yourself down, dear. Indignation and Queen Misae is a peculiar combination to watch. I adore your dignity, try not to lose it", advised Harron.

    Wondering how he could still be patient, a vastly impatient Misae said with all her dignity,"Harry, you don't understand. Our family is in danger. We have to take it out from danger, no matter what it takes. Lord Garlan's death is a sign of the forthcoming menace, which needs to be cast aside". She became silent as she thought if she made a disclosure of her sister's secret words. Ser Dondarius refused to stay in the castle. He left before the dawn without making a notion of his presence for the spies.

     The chamber fell deeply silent and they could hear men making noise indistinctly. Misae did not want to ask about the hunt for she had more vital things. "Harry!", she said holding his wrist. The king touched her soft cheek with affection and asked, "I must say I am amazed to see you displeased even after a long break from the court, Misae".

    Harron's masculine touch felt nice and warm until the break took her back to the North. Snow fields, snow flakes and mild snow storms began to lay hold to her mind. She remembered how she took a fever and got bedridden for eight long days. In her dreams, she had seen snow everywhere. She was running in an unending snowy field, gasping for fresh air to breathe in the storm, smoke coming out of her mouth and she ran shivering in a mere piece of summer cloth. She kept running, her skin began to whiten and resembled white dry wood. Her feet stuck to ground and she couldn't run anymore. The ground cracked and she fell deep into the freezing cold ice water. She was losing her breath when she saw High Flora drowned in there. Everything was as white as snow and something kept her pulling deeper into the water. This dream would always end here when she woke up exhaling deeply before she would become lifeless in the dream. Maids would serve hot pumpkin soup and wipe her body with warm wet-cloth. But the cold never left her alone, until she left the cold and decided to ride south.

     "Pleasure is a tedious thing to get in that freezing hell. I was assuring myself that I would be dying there in cold. Fortunately I gathered some strength and bid goodbye to your mother. Honestly, Akita is the worst nightmare I've ever seen in years", she said avoiding Harron's touch. She looked at her skin to check if it had turned white.

     "What have you seen of horror, my Queen ? The snowfalls are no fear. Fear is the bloodshed, fear is the screaming men in the woods, fear is the beast, fear is the silence after the noise, fear is for the slaughter of our men. Snowfalls are nothing for the terror we have faced in the woods", Harry saddened, his voice went serious enough that Misae started to agree with him. None of her nightmares were her fear, fear was when she found her sweet sister in the woods and fear was when she burned Cathie's letter and let Shannon ride for Glass Palace.

     Warm sunlight made its appearance through the window and the ink pot shone. Misae let go of her husband's hand. The clouds were gone and finally sun was shining in Alphaville after a fortnight. Misae stood up and looked into Harron's brown eyes. She came closer and whispered,"I'm tired of everything. I want peace". Before the king could say anything, she pressed her pink lips against his. She acquired the peace she wanted, at least for then. After a moment of blankness, they separated from each other.

     Misae tried to taste the flavour she had on her lips after kissing her husband, the King. "Have patience, dear. My heart says Shannon will achieve his goal there. He is going to succeed", Harron's voice was soothing.

    "What about your daughter ?"

     "She's a child. I'll see of her", Harron assured her with a blink.

     Council meetings had been postponed since her arrival. She stepped towards the door, thinking that her talk had ended there.

  "Misae !", Harron called her out. "There's something you need to have a look on".

   Another letter ! Harron was holding it and waiting her to come recieve it. Misae became startled. 'Father sent it after all', she  thought with a scruple.

  "Miss Meera mistakenly got it sent to me. However I believe it belongs to you", Harron said as she took it from him. 

    She read word by word and felt relieved. It was from her father, but not from her Lord-father. It suddenly started to seem that she was in hurry. Misae left like a storm, she heard Harron saying, "He's only your Old Father". She crossed Rickard Welselye ignoring his presence. Her heartbeat was high. She rushed to her chamber and picked up a bag and packed it with a handful of gold coins. Those coins had been saved for bad times. 

    Mistress Meera suddenly came in. "Your Grace. Please pardon me", she said with a hesitation. "The Princess left with the dog in the middle of her lesson".

   Misae looked at her angrily yet said nothing. "I beg your pardon your Grace. She's very fast, she disappeared before I could make a move. Everything happened at the speed of light. What could this old lady do to stop her ?", old Mistress kept saying.

   Leaving the room, they began to walk towards the gate. Misae had to leave for the temple. Old Father was leaving the capital all of a sudden and not biding him farewell would be disrespectful for the Queen. Old Father had been loyal to House Rosewatcher for many years. He was the wisest man for Misae. He had been living in the capital for several weeks. The Temple was his home during his stay. And finally Alphaville's changing climate and hustle bustle influenced the old man for which he was leaving.

   The bailey was never quiet in the Sun Palace. Something must be going on there so that the castle would sound alive. Misae was walking so fast the old woman was in trouble to keep up with her pace. Miss Meera had not stopped talking, "I have fresh matters to discuss in today's meeting, my Queen. Every council member has been informed about the meeting. I believe it would be a..."

   The Council Meeting ! There'd be no time for a meeting. She realized she had to cancel it. "I'm afraid there'd be no meetings today", she informed.

    "But we have made preparations for the meeting. The hall has been cleaned by servants and we are waiting to discuss about some urgent issues of the country. I am not in the support of this, my Queen. At least let the King ", the Headmistress expressed her disagreement.

    "The king is tired. He needs to rest. These men have confronted a beast in the Winterwoods. Ask Ser Rickard about the detailed information on this subject", Misae said.

      "But, your Grace...", Miss Meera didn't give up. 

    "Silence, Miss Meera. The Council can wait, Old Father can not", the Bitter Queen said as if she was annoyed. "And if you wish to be forgiven for letting my daughter leave, then perhaps try sending letters to their rightful reciever".

    In a noticeable corner of the bailey, something green of colour drew the Queen's attention towards itself. Misae changed her path to Lord Waymer Cleve fiercely. Mistress Meera followed her Queen quietly and distinctly recognized the greenery. Some not-so-extraordinary men were taking new plants to the garden on the orders of Lord Cleve of Franshestor. Labourers - it was apparent from their dirty, oddly stitched clothes. Lord Cleve was ordering, "Faster ! We're already late because of your stupidity". He saw the Queen and greeted her as she came closer. Misae felt a change in the atmosphere, it was fresher than before. A heart-touching aroma touched her breath. She was concretely familiar with the aroma.

    "Lord Waymer ! What is going on here ?", she showed curiosity in that work. She would scarcely put her mind into unimportant business, but there she knew something was wrong. Lord Cleve was in his emerald cloak, standing in a proud gesture as being a member of the Council. Misae stopped one of the worker and smelled the leaves, eyes closed and mind lost in a quest of recognition. It reminded her of something unnatural. "What is it ?", she asked with an impulse.

    "The plant of Henna, your Grace. It is extremely aromatic for the atmosphere. A very useful herb for everyone", Lord Cleve answered with a hand gesture.

    It did not take Misae long to understand what it was. She remembered the unnatural thing and asked, "Would you like to tell what is its need in our castle, Lord Waymer ?"

    He hesitated before he said, " The Princess had requested some of these to be planted in our garden, your Grace. As I said, these plants will aromatize the garden with their fresh fragrance."

   "Here is a small mystery for you, my Lord. I insist you to solve it with your presence your mind", said Misae with a smile.

   Miss Meera and Lord Waymer exchanged a look. Either of them seemed confused. "Why do you think the Princess wished for this Henna, my Lord ?", Misae asked. The brown haired Lord Waymer exchanged a look with the old Miss Meera, seeking an answer through eyes. Miss Meera was clever enough to hint something with a gesture and make the Lord feel proud for solving the Queen's mystery. She touched her hair with great care as if she was setting her high bun, before Misae turned to see her. "Her hair, your Grace. It gives her beautiful bright hair, I guess. I've heard the benefits from the Master of Healing. God bless him, he decided to ride with the King, or else we would have lost loads of our men. Especially the Lord Commander of Kingsguard".

    Old Janeb might be a man aged same to Misae's Old Father. He used to be a priest, then he happened to lose his faith on the Gods and stopped being a priest. He had disappeared for several years. Those years, High Flora had useen flood and drought after many decades. Misae grew into a woman in those years and had nearly forgotten about her dear Old Father. And one day, he returned alone with nothing. He was older and wiser. Misae was recalling the grey days of her childhood in High Flora.

     "Bright and beautiful ?", Misae said to Lord Waymer. "Have you ever seen her hair ? Well, it may appear bright and beautiful in your manly eyes. But they used be stronger. You try to touch it and it would break like dry straw. These plants will have no place in the garden". She was rebuking. Lord Cleve had lowered his head, ashamed.

   "Forgive me, my Queen. I just hoped that if I could carry out our Princess's wish, she would be... "

   "Do you wish to see our Princess bald headed, Lord Waymer ?", the Bitter Queen asked bitterly. She did not even need any answers from him. "Send them away. And you dare try to disobey my words". She was leaving for her urgent matter. Miss Meera started following again. "Stay !", Misae shouted at her and left the bailey alone.

    She was taken to the temple by her carriage. She did not look outside at the people. The weather was perfect for her. Sun shining above the sky, birds chirping, air fresh and pleasant. Yet, while sitting inside a carriage, none of them was being felt. Sound of the galloping horses, indistinctly chatting people, farmers trying to sell their harvested vegetables, butchers selling meat, children hustling and women yelling at them. Every voice was obscure. Alphaville was full of life, didn't matter if it was daylight or starry night. She sat inside praying for her family, remembering those grey days in High Flora, when one day she was trying to apply the Henna paste on her golden hair and failed. Catherine threw the paste away before she could use it and told mother of her intentions. Lady Rosewatcher did not yell, she would always make her children understand with great calmness and patience. 

    The carriage stopped in front of the stairs of Temple of Divine. People gathered around to see the Queen. Misae came out of her carriage and ignored everything around her. People might be muttering about her cheekbones or about her bitterness. Some of them shouted her name "Queen Misae". The ancient temple became lively all of a sudden. After she stepped in, the big door was closed. Old Father was kneeling down in front of the Goddess of Knowledge. He was alone in the large hall. Her footsteps made him turn and he flashed a smile on his wrinkled face. His eyes were of brown as ordinary as he appeared to be. A plain grey clothing was covering his neck to toe. He stood up and bowed for Misae.

   "The Queen finally got some time to visit her old unworthy father", he said coming closer to her.
   "You are leaving."

   "Yes, I am"

   "Why ?"

   The old man held her hands with a trembling touch. As soon as he got the grip, his fingers felt strong. "I am a free man, my child. I must keep going, wandering for the meaning. You see I have spent a significant time in this Holy Temple, in the presence of your Gods. Now I must go to the new ones", he said dearly.

 "Your quest for the true Gods is very unlikely to end, father", said Misae. "But I can surely wish you good fortune in the name of these Gods for my House follow their ways". She paused for a moment to decide whether she should say or not. Old Father noticed it. "Tell me, my dear", he said like a father. 

   For a moment, Misae forgot all her troubles except the one with her House. "Our House is in trouble", she said "Cathie says I must protect our family. Musae has run away from father and she wants to hide behind me. What shall I do, father ?"

   "You should do what needs to be done", the old man answered. "You should do what is expected of you by your own heart. The real wisdom always lies deep there. You ought to find the way to it with the use of your mind. Do what it shows you, dear. Oh ! But with purity and have no burdens. Everything is good".

   His words consoled Misae's troubled mind and provided some peace. "Now is the time, dear", he said removing his hands.

  "Father ! I have something for you"

  "And there will be no need of it for me"

  The bag of coins was hanging on her golden belt. "Father ! Would you like to forecast something for me before you leave ? You told me it had been so long", she said.

  Old Father looked at her ambitious eyes. "Forecast is just like a dream, dear", he told the Queen. "It is only for weak people. I know you may be curious to know, but it is not the truth that I will speak".

  "I would still love to hear it"

 "Well, then. As you wish. You know what you should do. I need something pure", he said revealing a knife out his pocket.

   Misae accepted it without any shrink. She made a fierce eye contact with her Old Father. Then its touch on her thumb was wet and red.



  1. Location :
    Alphaville, Crownlands

    Characters Appeared :
    Misae Rosewatcher (POV)
    Rickard Welselye
    Harron Nohara
    Miss Meera-Bella
    Waymer Cleve
    Old Father

    Characters Mentioned :
    - Garlan Moonhills
    - Catherine Moonhills
    - Shannon Nohara
    - Keven Rosewatcher
    - Katrina Florence
    - Selyna Nohara
    - Dorey Yoshinaga
    - Natalie Aymen
    - Miss Edeline (Shannon's former Counselor)
    - Lord Winston Aymen (Miss Natalie's Lord Father, Master of Coins)
    - Hennah Nohara
    - Ser Dondarius (Catherine Moonhills' faithful Guard)
    - Musae Rosewatcher (the Young Rose)
    - Master Janeb (Master of Healing)
    - Lysa Rosewatcher (Misae's mother)


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